today is the fifth anniversary of the twin tower's if you didn't know. everyone is talking about it on the news and on sirius radio. i would like to tell you where i was five years ago. . .
my wife and i were in the hospital, awaiting the birth of our first child. rin's water broke on september 8th, and that was six weeks early. she was rushed to the hospital and then air lifted to spokane's sacred heart. the next day, an ultrasound was done to make sure the baby wasn't in shock and that it was doing ok (we didn't know the sex of our baby). the doctor said that everything was good and that he wanted to, if possible, wait an extra week before inducing. so, rin was moved into a room to wait for the delivery.
each morning at six, rin's blood was drawn and tested. the morning of the 11th was the same as the previous day. six o'clock came and the needle was inserted, then the plunger was pulled back, taking with it the blood of rin. the nurse left and i jokingly said, "i wonder what's on tv." i grabbed the remote and flipped on the tv. the smoking north tower came into focus and rin and i just sat there, wondering what had happened. the newsperson's voice came on and said that if we are just tuning in, a plane had hit one of the towers. then, the second plane came onto the screen and slammed into the south tower. words escaped rin and i. just "whoa" passed my lips.
we sat there, listening to the anchors talking to us. after about an hour, the doctor came in and watched with us. he had his rounds to make, but he stood there watching as well. after a few moments of silence between us all, he said that the blood looks good and that we are planned for a delivery on saturday.
since nothing was peeking, i went into work that day. rin's mom came to sit with her while i was away. as i drove into work, i listened to the news. trying to find every piece of information. i walked into the coffeeshop at work and there was a tv on and the staff was watching it.
fast forward a few days to the birth of my gorgeous baby girl. in the midst of tragedy and despair, love entered our lives through our first born. our lives were changed in many ways that week. . .