our summer '06 camp was last week. we were at camp lutherhaven, starting tuesday at 2 in the afternoon and ending on friday, same time. rin and i were leaders and i had a cabin with chris (another leader) and about 10 highschoolers (between 16-18).
even though i was tired come the end of the week, i had a blast. we did many things. chapel, team competitions and all around good times. a band by the name of shachah came up from southern cali. they are from calvary chapel costa mesa. their music is a fusion of funk / hip-hop / rap with some acoustic riffs as well.
shachah (pronounced sha-KAH) is the hebrew word for worship. it is a verb meaning to bow down, to prostrate onself, to crouch before God in worship.
i wound up being the sound guy for them...which was pretty awesome. they had a "concert" on thursday night. stephen, the drummer, is a novice photographer, so i had a couple things in common with him. he asked if i would be willing to do some photography for them during the set. "of course...no problem."
after the concert, a talent show followed. rin, myself, chris and gina were the judges. there are some talented kids in our group.
some of the team competitions were:
ultimate pigskin, egg slap, dolphins and trainers, egg relay, and the gross out game. some of these games went along with their names.
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