well, this is our new addition to our family. we've had a hard time dealing with the humane society in kootenai county (KHS).
we adopted a cat that was 2 years old. she was great while at KHS. we got her home and the first thing she did was hide. well, we had to find her and keep her from hiding so that she could get used to us. well, she hid again, and again, and again. the next morning, we were getting ready for breakfast and she took off into the garage (that's where the litter box is at).
well, to say the least, we couldn't find her. i had to get to work, so i was getting ready to leave. i got in my car and, lo and behold, it wouldn't start. so i had to take the durango, which of course, was in the garage.
well, i got to work and my wife (erin) kept looking in the garage throughout the day. she couldn't find her, so we thought the cat hitched a ride underneath the durango. we figured she was gone, so we started making plans of getting a kitten instead of an adult.
i got home and looked around for the cat, but i couldn't find her either. i had to get cleaned up 'cause we were watching my nephew (my sister's son).
the next day, erin found evidence that the cat was still in the garage, so after i got home that day, we continued to look for her. but we couldn't look long, 'cause we were going to chili's with my parents and grandma. erin went inside to get ready to go and blythe stayed with me. finally i saw movement and the cat was running away from me. i told blythe to go get erin. that's when the "fun" started. that devil cat tried attacking me, erin and blythe. then she ran over hayden trying to get away. she went inside the house and continued trying to attack. i had to get my leather work gloves to catch her. i finally got her and put her in the cat box.
the next day, we took her back to the KHS. they asked if i could work with her and give her time to adjust. i told whoever i was talking with what had happened. it was as though they didn't want to listen to what i was saying. they asked again, "can you give her time to adjust and work with her?"
i said "she was hiding in my garage for the last 36 hours. how do we work with her when she does that. besides, she attacked me and erin and blythe."
"what did she do?" she asked.
"she attacked me and erin and blythe."
"but what did she do?" again she asked.
do i need to describe in great detail the claws coming out, the fangs showing, this hiss and tongue roll, etc. etc. . .i swear she must have asked things 3 times, never listening to me. these people take their job way to seriously. then someone else said that blythe was chasing the cat. was that woman there? i don't think so. how can you say with such authority that something happened when you aren't even there? i finally told them we are returning the cat and we are going to get a kitten later on.
if you can avoid going to KHS to get a pet, do. these people are wacko. maybe it's all the harsh fumes they digest day in and day out. or maybe, just maybe they were animals in a former life.
pondering. . .