it was a good day to come and serve. it always shows me (and i hope those that go with) how blessed we are. i was talking with a guy that was "in charge" of the kitchen that night, and we were discussing the women that come to the shelter for food. i always feel sorrow for those...especially those that have little children in tow. it always breaks my heart to see these kids that have virtually nothing. but i do what i can to help. even if it is just giving a smile while handing over a steaming tray of food.
one woman came in and had four kids with her. the eldest was very polite and was telling us that she is going to be holding the younger children's trays. "just a little bit of stew in the bowls please," she would tell us.
another woman came in and had two children with her. the girl (who couldn't have been older than my eldest) asked me what kind of earrings i have.
"they are titanium," i replied back to her.
"that is sooooooo cool," she said with a huge grin on her face.
i told her thank you and handed her some bread and stew. she gave me a big smile and had a twinkle in her eye.
as we finished serving the rest of the men, women and children, i watched as these highschoolers handed out and served. many people think that highschool youth are just in a phase and that they really can't accomplish anything, but so many times, i am humbled by them. they were just giving of themselves, becoming servants instead of masters. following Jesus' commands and humbly lowered themselves to help others...