i got dressed and put the last remaining items in the back of the truck. said goodbye to the kids and rin. i drove to ewok's house and met up with the others. we piled into the vehicles and got onto interstate 90 towards montana. quick stop for gas and picking up two more people.
as we got to the parking lot, the attendent pointed us to our spots and i shut off the engine. everyone got their things together, got dressed and grabbed the boards. i shoved my ipod deep into my pocket and placed the buds into my ears. a lift ticket later, i was on the chair lift, heading up to the top of the mountain. millencolin and the chemical brothers were summoned by my fingertips to provide the soundtrack of the day.
icy snow was on the menu for the morning. as the day went on, the sun broke through and began breaking up the corduroy. the time went by quickly as we took run after run. people starting leaving the mountain as the day grew late. soon, it was time to leave. we racked the boards and put the cold clothes into the back of the vehicles. getting home seemed to go fast and food was heavily consumed. it twas a good day.