friday was the day of setting up lights and sound equipment. many hands made light work. as the day grew longer, the event came quicker. soon, the bleachers would be full of people. i had to get home and get cleaned up.
after dropping the kiddies off, rin and i headed back to the grounds. i was on imagery detail while rin wound up helping at the lindale table. we ate at the concession stand...rin had a cheeseburger whilst i had a jalapeno corndog (can't get enough of 'em).
as 7 o'clock rolled around, many people showed up. i don't know the exact count. lindale played first. then the praise band. after that, pastor figgs gave the message. many came forward to accept Christ as their savior while others rededicated their lives. it was an awesome night. . .

yeah, it was a great hope; probably our best so far. great pics. i gotta get the speed lamp on my camera fixed. dahh!
what's wrong with your speed lamp?
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