the water on the priest river was nice. the first submersion was a bit nippy, but a split second after, it was great. it was a bit chop too, so it was good for tubing. soon, the water was glass and out came the boards.
we went back to the docks and got ready for dinner. had some good food and fellowship around the camp fire. it got dark around nine, so we stayed near the fire and just hung out, playing cards and talking. passing around the guitar and drinking sodas.
with 17 people and four tents, i opted for sleeping in the truck. not the most comfortable way to sleep, but it beats the rocks. i woke up through out the night, many times. about 5.30, i heard thunder and then the rain came down. first, it was a pitter patter, then the heaven's opened and everything was drenched. lightning flashes every which way. when a lull came, i went down to the beach to see how the conditions were and dark clouds were overhead. finally about 9, the sun was out, the clouds were gone and the water was beautiful.
the first boat load headed out and did there thing while i stayed at camp and hung around, cleaning things up and enjoying the sun. when it was our turn to go out, i grabbed my board and hopped in. the engine came to life and we went about 200 feet from shore. i lava-ed my bindings and slid into the waiting water. the throttle opened up and i was riding. ewok pulled me towards our new destination: the train bridge. after i got into the boat, we sped faster towards the bridge. we got there and got out of the boat and started climbing up the short hill.
the rocks and dirt were easy going. we got to the top and started walking over the trestles to the middle of the bridge. the bridge itself was about 35 feet above the water. there was a point where a metal "wall" stuck out and that added another 10 feet. having to pull ourselves up and onto the top was a feat in itself, but when we stood there, the water seemed about 70 feet give or take, away. i fling myself off and hit the water with full force. i have no idea how far i go under, but it take me a while to surface. i get out of the water and, hike back up and across for a second time. i don't climb the wall this time though. we get back in the boat and head back to camp.
for lunch, we go into sandpoint for pizza. then the store and buy some things we need. 9 more cases of soda. after that, we go to starbucks and walk 1st ave.
back at camp, we went back out on the boat, went to the beach and all around just had a good time. night came quickly and the stars started poking out. the threat of a severe storm was over. at 10 o'clock, we had a time for devotion. hanging out at the fire, talking about spiriual things was great. questions and answers. back and forth. good times. people started getting ready for bed and some of us stayed up. i finally went to bed about 1 and then woke up every half hour it seemed. at 7 in the morning, i got up and talked with a couple guys.
since we had to leave the camp site at noon, we had a early morning wakeboard session and headed in for breakfast. the boat had to be gassed up, so, while that was being done, camp was torn apart. things were loaded and camp was gone. we parked above the beach and went back in the water. a waterball fight ensued. people went back on the boat and others, back into the water. it was a good camping trip. . .
the pic is beautiful :)
thanks...that's me in the water. i took a bad edge.
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