Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

i've heard that 5 guys is a close comparison/better burger than in-n-out. since i'm a california boy (yes, i am...don't be jealous) and miss in-n-out immensely (and the beach) and found out there is a 5 guys about 20 minutes from the house, it sounded like a good idea to try them and and form my own decision. plus, if there is a burger that is just as good as in-n-out, i'm sold...
now, let's just say that the menu for in-n-out is superbly simple (shhhh, don't forget the secret menu). i always order (without failure) a double-double (mustard / tomato only), fries, coke and a strawberry shake. a thing of beauty...
my order from 5 guys was a bacon cheese burger with a bunch of fixings and regular fries. the fries were actually really good, and a bunch of fries to boot. not as good as in-n-out, but still tasty. the burger did lack. i made the mistake of ordering a single when i should have ordered a double. what it lacked in size and portion made up for in toppings (but 5 guys burgers do cost more than in-n-out). 5 guys menu has more to choose from but no shakes (pity)...
yes, i am biased. i prefer in-n-out. now, to be fair, 5 guys did have good food. good fries. more pricey meal. if there was an in-n-out next door to a 5 guys, in-n-out would always be my choice. if in-n-out was 20 miles further, i'd still go to in-n-out. but alas, there isn't a in-n-out around here *sniff* and there aren't any plans to bring them here, so i'll have to settle with 5 guys.