a juice harp (case pictured above)
two kazoos
a dragon optical bag full of guitar picks. different thickness and firmness.
a bass pick
two guitar tuners
sortkwik fingertip moistener
a nail file to smooth out the callouses
an unused piece of nylon for my strap.
djembe wrench tuner
djembe key
hex key
a wipedown cloth
my kids love to grab the kazoos and hum along with the music that is being played. sometimes sprite will try and lay down a beat on the djembe while monkey and tadpole hum along and dance and groove.
the other night, sprite asked if she could play my guitar so i showed her how to hold it and placed her fingers on the correct strings to form the "c" chord. as she strummed down hitting each string, the sound that came out was interesting, to say the least. i showed her how to properly strum and then i grabbed the djembe. even though the music wasn't exactly music, it was still fun. . .
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