Tuesday, December 11, 2007

this morning whilst making breakfast, i had the kevin and bean show live streaming on kroq's site. the sprite was asking me when it was going to be over and why it wasn't over yet.

"why isn't what over?" i ask.
"what you're listening too," came her reply.
"it isn't 'over'. it's radio."

she really wasn't getting the gist of radio. she understands mp3s and satellite, but for some reason, the concept of radio was eluding her. i started explaining to her that it's like listening to the satellite radio in the car, but we are listening to it over the internet. the wheels were turning in her head and soon she understood. then i went on to tell her that i used to listen to this radio station when i was growing up.

"on the computer?" she asked.
"nope, i had to listen to it on the radio. they are live streaming it now, so i can listen to it even though it's aired in california."

that little conversation showed me how much life has changed since i was growing up. true, there are probably better things that have changed, but the ease of just music has gotten better. ipods, mp3, satellite, live streaming, podcasts. gone are the days of cds, tapes, 8 tracks and vinyl.


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