Wednesday, May 23, 2007

hey you all out there. i've been working on some images and submitted them to jones soda for the possibility of them actually being on a label. i've posted them in the right column. please click on the one you like the most (or all of them) and vote, please. thanks...

p.s. their site is kinda slow going. they have over 650,000 images in their gallery so be patient.

updated: i've added two more. check 'em out and don't forget to vote.


Blogger ErinG said...

I voted!

3:11 PM  
Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...


3:14 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

i voted for one. i'll do the rest later. ps i have a new post. short, but at least i did it.

6:52 PM  
Blogger larin said...

I voted, too. Hard choice--they're all good, although the hand one is a bit unnerving. I can't decide if it reminds me of the Sistine Chapel ceiling Creation of Adam or a, um, how do I say this--a dead person. Eww. Sorry. Nice dog--is it yours? Do I vote for more than one? --LaRinda--yup, the big R lady. ;-)

9:44 PM  
Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...

glad to have you larinda...i'll go check out your blog. you can vote on all (actually, i would like if you did.) the photo of the hand is that of a begger in india that i took last fall. the dog is mine.

10:28 PM  
Blogger larin said...

Yup, you found the blog I use for life, faith, art, etc. My Louisa blog is a specific art/storytelling project that I haven't had time for since I've been teaching this year and the other one is to try to learn html--another thing I haven't had much time for. --L

2:43 PM  

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