when we pulled into "downtown", we parked and walked about a block to where the majority of people were. rides were being ridden and tickets were being bought. we walked down to the old football field and laid our blankets down to reserve our spots and then went on the hunt for some dinner. corndogs and nachos (supreme mind you. the biggest nachos i have ever eaten) were consumed only to be washed down with mountain dew and diet pepsi.
afterwards, we walked around and talked, watching and listening. we decided to get some waters and go back down to our spots to just hang out.
soon it got dark and the carnies turned the lights on their monstrous thrilling machines. the clock continued to tick down the minutes until the firework display began. i roamed around the grounds and shot off some frames. i looked at my watch and the time was drawing near. i headed back down to reclaim my spot next to rin and waited with the rest. a lone rocket fired into the air whilst star spangled banner was sung. a half hour of explosions and flickered lights teased our senses and the finale was something to be seen. simply amazing...
click here for more images.
DANG IT! you should've reminded us about that. bet it's all over now. no, no, that's ok.
we will probably go next year.
what? no apology? just your plans for next year? do they include reminding us???
i didn't know i was supposed to tell you about it. besides, i asked j what you guys were doin' on sunday and he said you had a birthday party to go to.
yes, we did, but it was there in Pinehurst. how much farther is St.M?
about an 1 1/2 hours.
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