Tuesday, November 22, 2005

ok, i admit it...i'm a goober. yesterday, i went to get the durango washed so i could detail it. while i drove to the carwash, i was listening to some house music on sirius. well, i started scanning around and fount "the beat" channel 35. normally, they play remixed tracks and what-not. so, the dj comes on and starts talking in his british accent about an upcoming concert that i'm not going to fly to. as soon as he finishes up, he starts up the next track. i know i should have changed it when it came on, but i got caught up in some nostalgia. the song came out in '94, the year i graduated high school and everyone played this song. it isn't the greatest song...it's actually pretty annoying, but i found myself singing it and grooving to it.

have you ever done that before? you know that nobody is in the car with you. no one will know that you are acting like a totally idiot. no one is there to judge you, to wonder, "what is wrong with him/her?" so you just go for it. no worries about what people are going think/say about you.

yeah, like i said, i'm a goober. but, it brought me back to my life in '94.

do you want to know the song? if so, click on comments. i'll post it there. . .


Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...

the sign by ace of base.

i know, i know...terrible!

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh but Granati, no one can resist Ace of Base, you're not to blame, it has a special force all it's own that sucks you in.

Sat. night my friends and I popped in some old cd's from back in the day and we all tried to sing along, but there was a lot of hmmms and haaas, and shoo dopa doo's to fill in the words we've since forgot.

3:52 PM  
Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...

but the sad thing is that i remember all the words to the sign.

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sure I know all the words to that one too...Now that I have satellite radio, I also find myself listening to old cheesy stuff and rocking out to it.

4:46 PM  
Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...

what satellite provider do you have...?
sirius or xm?

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

XM, it came with my car, 3 months for free.

10:54 AM  
Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...

it's going to be hard to get rid of it. we have sirius.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful blog, Granati and always enjoy reading and looking at your photo's. Thanks for stopping by mine....

Yes, I did a blog this past summer about the crazy lady walking (me) singing or rather it looks like I am talking to myself...I take my cd and use earphones.
But it is a blast, and fun, until someone catches you with your mouth wide with song..lol... but what the heck... we are having fun. So keep on singing.

5:52 PM  

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