Friday, November 11, 2005

in honor and remembrance
veteran's day

  1. high respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem: the honor shown to a nobel laureate.
    1. good name; reputation.
    2. a source or cause of credit: was an honor to the profession.
    1. glory or recognition; distinction.
    2. a mark, token, or gesture of respect or distinction: the place of honor at the table.
    3. a military decoration.
    4. a title conferred for achievement.

    1. The act or process of remembering.
    2. The state of being remembered: holds him in fond rememberance.
  1. something serving to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or event; a memorial.
  2. the length of time over which one's memory extends.
  3. something remembered; a reminiscence.
  4. a souvenir.
  5. a greeting or token expressive of affection.


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