Monday, March 10, 2008

yesterday was a beautiful day. the sun was out, the sky was blue. a pleasant 52°f. true, there were clouds roaming and floating by, but the sun was out.

i spent about three hours raking the backyard, trying to dethatch it and pull out all the dead grass. it's taken me three sessions so far. we have a lot and it has been taking a while to finish, but i think i got the majority out and it will only take one more session. then i get to move on to the front yard and start raking all of that dead stuff out.

our backyard has morphed into a different yard every year. the first year, the yard was non-existent. much landscape raking and dirt hauled it, then seeding it gave us our grass. over the years, a pergola, trees, bonsai table, rose bushes, flowers, plants and a garden have taken over. hoefully the wisteria will cover the pergola this year and create a shady refuge.

apparently others had the same idea of working in their yards yesterday. both of my next door neighbors had an agenda for getting a jump on getting yards ready. . .


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