Thursday, November 08, 2007

it's been a fun few days this week. it actually began last wednesday when rin was driving to the fairgrounds for our harvest party. whilest driving across the intersection of 95 and kathleen, she was rear-ended by another woman. so the typical "pleasantries" were given along with info (ie: names, insurance, license, yadda yadda yadda).

i got a phone call when rin was in the parking lot and after finding out that everyone was alright, we went inside and had fun with the kids. afterwards, our insurance was called and the lady's insurance called us.

fast forward a few days:

i met with an insurance rep on monday so that damage could be estimated and so on and so forth. the rear bumper looks like it is the only thing that needs replacing. he printed out two copies of the same estimate, one for us and the other for the body shop. i headed on over to the body shop so that they could check out the car and order the part(s) needed.

now that brings us to now, today, this very moment. the vehicle is waiting to be worked on. who knows, maybe it's already been in and the bumper is replaced. but they needed it overnight. i don't know why. ah, well. . .


Blogger ErinG said...

It's been a fun week, hasn't it?

5:41 PM  
Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...

oh least the check came.

6:19 PM  

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