Wednesday, September 07, 2005


ah, the joys of fall clean-up. i started the clean-up of my yard yesterday. the front yard took so long. i'm starting to cut it shorter now. and instead of mulching, i'm bagging the clippings and putting them in the garden. stupid grass. never grows right and is a pain to mow. i'm hoping our hibiscus blooms before the season is over. my sister's has already bloomed, but i'm still waiting for ours. there are some buds on it, but that's all it's doing.

the backyard is what is going to take the longest. i have to rake up all the thatch that has been accumulated throughout the summer. next year, i'm going to get a dethatching blade for my lawnmower. i started pulling our dahlias from dahlia garden. next year, we are changing the backyard, again. where the dahlia garden is, i want to put in an arbor and take the silverlace that is under my bonsai table and put it on the arbor. the silverlace is getting to big, so it needs to be supported and put in an area that is good for the growth.

the roses need all the dead-heads cut off. that in itself is going to be a long, tedious chore. the rose garden consists of 12 rose bushes that have a lot of blooms on them and they continue to bloom well past the frost. our backyard gets about 10 hours of constant sunlight. so the area is perfect for the roses.

i started pulling apart the garden too. we had sunflowers, but only one made it, so that one is still there. the other ones were crawling with yellowjackets. instead of chopping them in half (there were too many), i used some wasp spray. you should have seen the little buggers squirm. i accidently pulled up a couple potato plants too. oops. they weren't doing really well anyway.

next year, the yard is going to look different. the garden is going to be upgraded and extended. this year, we kinda just threw it all together, so now we know what we want to do with it, and how we want it to look. i'm also going to build a grape arbor too. that will be great for the kids to pull and eat grapes. if only raspberries grew like grapes. i love raspberries. we had four raspberries plants and they took over. so, maybe we will do just one plant and see how that goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Moly, you want to come over to my house and do my landscaping for me? I'll be lucky if I can get the grass to grow.

Some of my plants that the landscapers put in up front are dying. The guy at the plant store said all they needed was water, which they are getting, so why are they dying? =(

All I can say is you're one dedicated worker.

12:45 PM  
Blogger tenacious phenmonkey said...

well, it depends on how much water they are getting. there is always "too much water" as well as "not enough water". plus, what kind of plants are they. if they are drought tolerant, need full/partial shade, etc. you need to also feed them. what kind of plant food are you using?


1:43 PM  

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